RV Park Amenities

Featured amenities to make your stay at Spacious Living RV Park more enjoyable.
 You and your family might require certain park amenities in order to make your RV camping experience fun, memorable, and comfortable. Here is a look at some essential RV park amenities that you should look for when making a reservation.


Laundry Room

Laundry House is on site for you convenience. No smoking in the laundry room. Laundry room hours are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Please clean lent from dryer before leaving and never over load washers or dryers. Please be courteous to others at all times and clean up after yourself. Please do not leave clothes unattended for long periods of time.


On-site Security 

Our facility has secured lighting with security cameras at the RV park. We take pride in keeping you and your family safe. Let us know if you can help in anyway to help it feel more like home. 


All Underground Utilities 

Our RV park offers all underground utilities including electricity, water, and sewage. Our hook-ups are clear and ready for you to use immediately. All your utitities are in one place. Pull up your RV, hook-up, and start enjoying your time. We offer 30 or 50 amp hook-ups. The extra 50 amps will allow you to use more of your amentiies in your RV at one time. 

Public Shower and Bathrooms 

Our RV park has public showers and bathrooms for your use. The showers are there for your complete convenience.  

  • an enclosed and separate room with lock for each shower

  • raised barrier and full shower curtain or door between shower and changing area

  • a separate changing area with at least three hooks and a bench

  • soap dishes or hanger for shampoo and soap

  • a strong stream of hot water that doesn’t run out or turn cold when someone else uses the restroom

  • several showers so you don’t feel rushed

  • and, most of all, is clean. Often there is a squeegee and antibacterial shower spray to wipe it down.

  • Plus main bathroom has mirror, counter and GFI-protected circuit for hair dryer or razor.